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Kindergarten Families! Join us for our "Welcome to Kindergarten" Open House on Thursday,

August 29th at 10am!

Hello Peace Bridge Families,
A big thank you to all the families for the support throughout the school year. Wishing all the students and families a safe and happy summer.

We look forward to seeing the students back on Tuesday, September 3 at 9:05am.

If you know your family is moving out of the area over the summer, please let the office know immediately.
Lunch Room Supervisor
We are looking for Lunch Room Supervisors for September. This is a paid position. The timeslots are 10:45-11:25 and 1:05-1:45 and requires you to supervise students with other staff at recess time. If you are interested, please either contact the school or reply to this email.
Preliminary Bussing Information will be available after August 19 on the NSTS website: https://nsts.ca/ click on the parent portal. Finalized bussing information will be available on Thursday, August 29.
As this school year ends, we say goodbye to a few staff who are off to new adventures next year. A big thank you to Mr. Fellows, Mrs. Richardson, Dr. K, Ms. Cochrane and Mrs. Fournier for all you have done to make Peace Bridge school a great place. A huge congratulations to Ms. Pegg on her retirement. After decades of teaching, she is ready to enjoy her retirement. We sincerely thank her for everything she has done and the tremendous impact she has had on so many students.
Tentative Staff List for September 2024
Kindergarten 1: Mrs. Harasty/Mrs. Meli
Kindergarten 2: Mrs. Marr/Mrs. Rego
Kindergarten 3: Mrs. Weaver/Ms. Ritcher
Grade ½: Mrs. Nick
Grade ½: Mrs. Lindberg
Grade ½: Mrs. Bell
Grade 2: Mrs. Wright
Grade 2/3: Mrs. Mason
Grade 3: Mrs. Cameron
Grade ¾: Mrs. Harris
Grade 4: Mrs. Medwecki (Landrum)
Grade 4/5: Mrs. Beauchamp
Grade 5: Mrs. Groulx
Grade 5/6: Ms. Goodridge
Grade 6: Ms. Sneek
Grade 6/7: Ms. Jones
Grade 7/8: Mr. Cottone
Grade 7/8: Mrs. Perala
Grade 7/8: TBD (hiring will occur over the summer)
FSP: Ms. Sally
Kindergarten/FSP Outdoor Education: Mrs. Shanks
Primary Phys Ed/Arts: Mr. Clark
Junior French: Ms. Quaranta
Intermediate French: Mme. Randall
Learning Resource Teachers: Ms. Semenuk, Ms. Stephens
Educational Assistants: Ms. Mair, Mrs. Meli, Mrs. Rego, Ms. Bougie, Mrs. Bullock,
Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Garrels, Mrs. Godwaldt, Mrs. Marko, Ms. Teague
Administrative Assistants: Mrs. Kirk, Mrs. Dill
Head Caretaker: Ms. Priestman
Vice-Principal: Mr. Eckhardt
Principal: Mr. Holmes
School Supplies
For our families that would like to get a jump start on September, below is information regarding School Supplies.
A backpack big enough for their lunch and snacks – no peanuts please
• Refillable water bottle (purchase a Peace Bridge water bottle for $5 at the office)
• Two pairs of running shoes. One for indoors and one for outdoor play
• Change of clothing. And when the weather changes, clothes for cold weather
• We will supply your child with essential learning materials. Primary (Grades 1-3)
A backpack big enough for their lunch and snacks – no peanuts please
• Refillable water bottle (purchase a Peace Bridge water bottle for $5 at the office)
• Two pairs of running shoes. One for indoors and one for outdoor
The school will provide the learning materials however we know some students like to purchase their own and are welcome to buy pencils, erasers, crayons, water-based markers, 30cm ruler.
Junior (Grades 4-6)
A backpack big enough for their lunch and snacks – no peanuts please
• Refillable water bottle (purchase a Peace Bridge water bottle for $5 at the office)
• Two pairs of running shoes. One for indoors and one for outdoor
The school will provide the learning materials however we know some students like to purchase their own and are welcome to buy pencils, erasers, pencil crayons, water-based markers, 30cm ruler, calculator. Intermediates (Grades 7-8)
A backpack big enough for their lunch and snacks – no peanuts please
• Refillable water bottle (purchase a Peace Bridge water bottle for $5 at the office)
• Two pairs of running shoes. One for indoors and one for outdoor
The school will provide the learning materials however we know some students like to purchase their own and are welcome to buy pencils, erasers, pencil crayons, water-based markers, 2inch binder, 30cm ruler, calculator.






Peace Bridge Public School is very fortunate to receive charitable funding by volunteering at our local Delta Uncle Sam’s Bingo Hall. We appreciate the opportunities that this initiative enables us to offer our school community through funding from Bingo revenues.  The benefits that are offered through this initiative provide our students with various enrichment opportunities that support clubs and competitions, athletic programs, assemblies, presentations, transportation for trips and sporting events and many other resources as determined at our regular meetings.

School Council News

Bingo Volunteering Edition

By offering a small amount of your time, you can make a BIG difference.

Charity License and Bingo Revenue

Peace Bridge Public School is fortunate to have a charity license that provides the school with the opportunity to earn revenue for student enrichment. Our charity license is maintained by attending bingo as volunteers at our local Delta – Uncle Sam’s Bingo Hall. The money that is raised through volunteering benefits the entire school. School Council works together to make creative decisions and purchases with the bingo profits to benefit our students. 

Bingo Volunteering

This opportunity is unique to our community and we need your support! Please consider becoming a volunteer representative for our school at our scheduled Bingo assignments. You can reach out to pbr@dsbn.org to receive additional information about assignment dates and how you can become involved.

To learn more about what is involved with volunteering, please visit the link below:

 Volunteer Training | OCGA (charitablegaming.com)

Purchases Made with Bingo Revenue

Our school was recently able to purchase a class set of Chromebooks with money raised through bingo volunteering. With this purchase, the DSBN will include this set of Chromebooks with the regularly scheduled technology upgrades for the school. These devices provide access to valuable parts of the student’s curriculum. This was a substantial purchase that would not have been possible without our volunteers and the additional funds that were earned through our participation at our bingo assignments.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about this excellent opportunity!


Ventilation Improvement

Click here for more information about the school-specific ventilation improvement measures at Peace Bridge School


Welcome to Kindergarten!

A warm welcome is extended to all kindergarten students who are joining our Polar Bear family in September! Please take a moment to click on the links below for more information on what to expect in Kindergarten!

Welcome to Kindergarten- DSBN


What's New

Important Dates


June 6- Pizza Day

June 7- PD DAY No School for Students!

June 10- Subway Sub Day

June 13- Safari Niagara Cameron/Harris Class

June 14- Pizza Day

June 14- Safari Niagara Nick/Groulx/Wright Mason Class

June 17- Pita Pit Day

June 19- Grade 8 Graduation at GFESS, 6 pm

June 19- River Lions Game Grade 4/5

June 19- Wild Play Field Trip Gd 6/7

June 21- Pizza Day

June 24- Subway Sub Day

June 24- Talent Show: 9:30am Grades 1-4

  2pm, Grades 5-8